GSA Professional Services Schedule
GSA Professional Services Schedule
Contract #: 47QRAA18D006Q
Contract Manager: C. P. Krishnan
Contract Manager Phone: (949) 922-6155
Contract Manager Email:
Eligible: All Federal Agencies
Overview: The Professional Services Schedule (PSS) is an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) multiple award schedule, providing direct access to simple or complex fixed-price or labor-hour professional services.
The Professional Services Schedule: One Contract for a Multitude of Solutions
Amid today’s shrinking agency budgets and increasing demands on acquisition professionals, GSA is making the Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) program easier to use! As part of this effort, the Professional Services Category consolidated eight professional-services Schedules into a single Professional Services Schedule (PSS) contract.
The new PSS contract affords access to companies that provide:
- Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (formerly MOBIS, GSA MAS 874) includes a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a federal agency’s performance and its endeavors to meet mission goals.
Using the streamlined procurement procedures in FAR Subpart 8.4 Federal Supply Schedules, PSS offers federal agencies access to more than 3,300 experienced contractors who provide a range of commercial professional services at discounted and competitive prices.
Why the Need for One Professional Services Schedule?
GSA created the single Professional Services Schedule (PSS) to give federal agency acquisition professionals the ability to obtain total contract solutions for their professional-services needs using a single contract vehicle. Agencies have access to the same professional services as before – but in an easier-to-use contract environment. Also, for both industry and GSA , PSS eliminates significant contract duplication and workload previously associated with negotiating, administering, and auditing multiple contracts.
Benefits of the Professional Services Schedule
PSS gives federal agencies the ability to use a single contract to procure simple to complex fixed-price or labor-hour professional services. When using PSS to acquire the professional services. When using PSS to acquire the professional services, agencies can:
- Use simplified acquisition procedures to issue a Request for Quotation (RFQ) using either your agency’s solicitation system or GSA’s eBuy solicitation system, or issue an RFQ directly to contractors using your agency’s procedures.
- Allow unique Contractor Team Arrangements to bring a wide variety of industry partners to the negotiating table.
- Customize terms and conditions in task orders – or through Blanket Purchase Agreements – to meet specific requirements
- Be assured that required FAR terms and conditions are incorporated into the contract.
- Ensure adequate participation by small businesses, including setting aside RFQs for various socioeconomic subgroups.
- Save time by using the streamlined procurement procedures of FAR Subpart 8.4.
How the Professional Services Schedule Works
RFQs can be issued to contractors by Special Item Number (SIN) or solutions set (e.g., Financial and Business Solutions), including contractors awarded complementary SINs (e.g., IT, HR, and energy-management services) under PSS.
Agencies can us GSA’s eLibrary to view the SINs and solutions sets available through PSS, as well as the contractors who’ve been awarded and authorized to provide these services to federal agencies.
Steamlined Procurement Procedures
To access PSS, visit GSA’s eLibrary and select “OOCORP” in the “Quick Search” dropdown box on the right-hand side of the page. Once you’ve decided which services you need, you can use GSA’s eBuy to electronically post and receive quotations in a secure environment.
Other resources that can help you properly use GSA Schedules include:
- FAR Subpart 8,405 (ordering procedures for Federal Supply Schedules)
- GSA’s MAS desk reference guide
- GSA’s online training resources
- In-person training and live Web-based training for PSS (contact us at
Who can Order through the Professional Services Schedule?
All federal appropriately warranted contracting Officers are authorized to award task orders against PSS.
For More Information
Visit or our interactive Web-based communities:
- GSA Interact’s Professional Services Category community
- Acquisition Gateway’s Professional Services Hallway
If you have questions about PSS, contact GSA’s National Customer Service Center at (800) 488-3111, or email us at
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